12 creepiest craigslist dating ads
Dating > 12 creepiest craigslist dating ads
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Dating > 12 creepiest craigslist dating ads
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Click on link to view: ※ 12 creepiest craigslist dating ads - Link ※ Erika1984 ♥ Profile
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Simply's Favorites - So good to see you! Of course, forced sexual labor is beyond awful and is a different beast in itself.
Let me just get that out there. The answer is: a lot. This happened a few nights ago, right when my school went on Thanksgiving break. A as how I was bored and restless, I texted the number adw my interest. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed. Unless you want to come over now? At this craiyslist, I had two options. I could feel the smart angel and the dumb angel on opposing shoulders whispering in my ears, but 12 creepiest craigslist dating ads energy drinks I had just consumed helped the dumb angel win out. He texted me his location, but it was pretty far outside of town, so he agreed to meet me halfway. The whole thing was exciting and I kind of reveled in the fact that I was doing something kind of stupid. I parked in front of a parking garage and double checked the address. Yup, it landed me to a really seedy part of town craigslisg was deserted even during daylight hours. I got out of my car and got a look. The guy was tall, about 40-years-old, and balding. He had pale white skin cteepiest a really, really strained smile. His whole face looked uncomfortable from how much he was grinning. Even in the dim light, I could see how yellow his teeth were. So good to see you! The car is parked in the garage, let me take you to it! I may be a bit of a dumbass sometimes, but at this point, my alarm bells were going off. I wrenched myself free and tried to initiate a bit of small talk, but he kept shuffling around until he was eventually behind me and kept shuffling towards me as I talked, trying to craigsist me into the parking garage. At this point, I knew something was way off. It was a video camera. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was able to make out an outline of 12 creepiest craigslist dating ads standing by the camera. Thank God this was one of those times. His smile was so huge and so forced, but his eyes were incredibly, incredibly angry. I unlocked it, got into the drivers seat, and acted like I was looking around for the wallet. I quickly jammed my keys in the ignition, started the car, and slammed my foot on the gas pedal. I heard him shout. I sped out of there, and as I looked in my rearview mirror, I saw figures run out of the parking garage waving crowbars and bladed objects in the air. I remember I was shaking throughout the drive. When I got home, I ran inside, and locked all the doors. I did a sweep of the house to check to see if anybody followed. I phoned the police to tell them what I had seen. They came over and took my statement. The Craigslist ad had been deleted and I all I had were a series of text messages from what turned out to be a stolen phone.